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Scratch Tactile

 Inclusive and tangible coding 

 An Open Source Project

Our crowdfunding campaign ended successfully on August 25th.

Thank you to all who supported it!

Discover the latest on Instagram and Twitter !

Break the screen and vision barrier

Scratch Tactile (formerly Scratch Jr Tactile) is an accessible, open-design educational resource that encourages the development of skills in computational thinking and transversal competencies, covering artistic, mathematical aspects and values of social equity. In addition, it provides students with visual impairments or other specific needs the opportunity to work on essential competencies for them.


More than a simple game or set of programming blocks, Scratch Tactile is characterized by being tangible, inclusive and does not require screens. Inspired by ScratchJr, it uses icons to facilitate the understanding of the programming language, thus eliminating communication barriers.



New Scratch Tactile Translators Program! 🌍

The Scratch Tactile Translators Program Guide is now available. Contact us to get full access and start translating with detailed tips and instructions.

Come to the Scratch Tactile manufacturing workshop!

Don't miss the opportunity to learn how to make this educational and inclusive tool!

This workshop is designed to help those who want to explore Scratch Tactile and need assistance in making the kit. If you come you will learn:

  • How to use the Scratch Tactile kit.

  • Get closer to 3D/2D design and digital manufacturing tools.

  • Build the different pieces that make up the Scratch Tac tile kit (programming blocks, boards and characters)

The meeting will take place on:


15:30 to 18:30

Ateneu de Fabricació de les Corts

Carrer dels Comtes de Bell-Lloc, 192, C. d'Evarist Arnús, 59, 08014 Barcelona

From today, it is now possible to view, download and upload your own projects by Scratch Tactile! 

Scratch Tactile wouldn't be possible without a creative, caring, and collaborative community that imagines, creates, and shares.

You can find the community projects here!

We are working on the Scratch Tactile pilot network. What a thrill! Special education schools, kindergarten, and primary education (K-6), in a network with makerspaces and people with a passion for technology and education collaborating together for socio-educational inclusion with Scratch Tactile!

75 educational centers in Spain from the regions of Catalonia and the Basque Country will be members of this pilot program.


Thank you for subscribing.

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