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What is Scratch Tactile?

Scratch Tactile is a kit based on the designs and creative philosophy of ScratchJr, the version of Scratch for the little ones. Thanks to them, students will be able to play and learn, or learn by playing while developing in an inclusive way the skills that are very necessary for today's society, such as digital skills, critical thinking, problem solving and teamwork (competences of the 21st century).

The idea... why tactile?

Technology has transformed our society. In every area of work, from science, medicine, and art to most daily actions such as shopping, transactions, and traveling, technology is incorporated. To become informed and empowered citizens, the next generation of students must understand the digital world where they live. Therefore computational thinking has been called the '21st-century skill set' and is important for everyone to learn, EVERYONE without exception. 

For this reason, we have created Scratch Jr tactile, a tangible educational material that brings creative programming and computational thinking closer to ALL children, regardless of their different abilities and economic conditions.

Who created Scratch Tactile?

"Scratch Tactile" has been created by Sistema THEAD, SCCL, in collaboration with the Scratch Foundation and numerous people who have contributed to the project in various ways. We sincerely appreciate your invaluable contribution.

Jepi Humet (Tactilens), Blai Collado (Tandem Social), Rubén Saguar, Mary Cazorla, Ester Romero, Coral (Ateneu de Fabricació Digital Les Corts - Ajuntament de Barcelona), Tracy Tang, Jacy Edelman, Elaine Atherton (for their support through from the Scratch Foundation's SEC program), Mitch Resnick and Shawna Young and the entire Scratch Foundation and MIT team to create Scratch. Marina Bers, Mitch Resnick and the team from the TUFTS University for creating Scratch Jr, Pau Nin, Andrés García and Esther Gibert (ScratchEd Meetup Barcelona), Maria Teresa Corbella, the team and the children from the CREDV-CRE of Barcelona ( ONCE), Gemma Rodríguez (Salesianes Sarrià), Susana Tuset (Sagrat Cor Sarrià i Escola NADÍS d'educació especial), David Hispano (Fundació Collserola), Daniel Cruz (MADE Makerspace Barcelona, Tangencial), Oriol Blas (Fab Casa del Mig, Barcelona), José García (CitiLab Cornellà), Matheus Provinciali (StartUB - Universitat de Barcelona), Eduard Muntaner (UdiGitalEdu - Universitat de Girona), Eva Díaz and Cristina (STEM Women Congress), Estela Sánchez (Dicomol), Berta Cruces and Claudia Olvera (La Salle URL Tec hnova), Daniel Gómez, Joaquim Fonoll, Marc Bassó (CIM-UPC, XAF), Carmen Ramírez, Lionel Bergeron (NYC public schools)Elisabet Úbeda, Gamaliel Benítez and the following organizations:

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Who supports Scratch Tactile?

¿Quién ayudó con la traducción?

¡Queremos dar las gracias a nuestro increíble equipo de traductores! Gracias a su esfuerzo, Scratch Tactile está disponible en muchos idiomas.

  • Español / Catalán / Inglés / Alemán: Equipo de Scratch Tactile

  • Polaco: Krzysztof J.

  • Griego: Dr. Stamatios Papadakis

  • Rumano: Ana Stamatescu

Pronto añadiremos más idiomas, como el portugués. ¡Nos emociona que Scratch Tactile llegue a aún más personas!

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