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Academic skills

​Scratch Jr Tactile aims to bring ALL boys and girls closer to the possibilities offered by creative programming started in 2007 by the 'Lifelong Kindergarten group' team at the MIT Media Lab with the creation of the applications 'Scratch' (by Mitch Resnick) and 'ScratchJr' later (by Marina Bers and Mitch Resnick).

With scratch Jr Tactile works together on digital, linguistic, artistic, mathematical and education skills in social and civic values.

In addition, boys and girls with visual deficiencies will work on specific essential skills.

Vectors of the new educational curriculum

The learning proposals developed with Scratch Jr Tactile are aligned with the 6 vectors raised in the new educational curriculum in Spain and Catalonia (2022):

  • Competence learning

  • Gender perspective

  • Universality of the curriculum

  • Quality of language education

  • Democratic citizenship and global consciousness

  • Emotional well-being

Scratch jr tactile - vectors curriculum ENG.png

Pedagogical pillars

Scratch Jr Tactile is based on the same philosophy of learning developed by Seymour Papert, Mitch Resnick, and Marina U. Bers. It is based on the 4 Ps of creative learning “Projects, Passion, Peers, and Play” and we also add the 5th P, "Purpose", promoting the creation of meaningful and playful projects linked with global awareness.


With Scratch Jr Tactile, learning is carried out taking into account the following 5 pedagogical pillars:

  • Cognitive: Learn computational thinking, algorithm design, pattern recognition, decomposition, and logical thinking. Concentration, problem-solving and flexible thinking, learning to face complex tasks, and building effective strategies to identify solutions.

  • Creative: Solving challenges openly, with multiple solutions, as well as creating new challenges that are open and adaptable to different environments, interests, and cultures. Developing ideas, expressing them, and transforming them into reality by creating associations, symbolizing, and representing ideas, and providing meaningful experiences to others.

  • Emotional: Creating artistic projects, recognition of emotions. Understanding, managing, and expressing emotions by building self-awareness and managing impulses. Staying motivated and confident in the face of difficulties.

  • Physical: Spatial orientation, laterality, fine motor skills. Understanding movement and space by practicing sensory-motor skills.

  • Social: Collaboration, communication, and understanding of other people’s perspectives through the exchange of ideas, the negotiation of the rules, and the creation of empathy.

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