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- Scratch Tactile | Inclusive creative programming
Scratch Tactile is a new inclusive educational resource based on ScratchJr that allows students to learn through play, while developing computational thinking and programming skills by creating hands-on projects in a tangible way and with an inclusive approach. Scratch Tactile Inclusive and tangible coding An Open Source Project Our crowdfunding campaign ended successfully on August 25th Thanks to all of you who supported it! Access the campaign Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Discover the latest on Instagram and Twitter ! Discover the latest projects from the community New section Break the screen and vision barrier Scratch Tactile (formerly Scratch Jr Tactile) is an accessible, open-design educational resource that encourages the development of skills in computational thinking and transversal competencies, covering artistic, mathematical aspects and values of social equity. In addition, it provides students with visual impairments or other specific needs the opportunity to work on essential competencies for them. More than a simple game or set of programming blocks, Scratch Tactile is characterized by being tangible, inclusive and does not require screens. Inspired by ScratchJr, it uses icons to facilitate the understanding of the programming language, thus eliminating communication barriers. News New Scratch Tactile Translators Program! 🌍 The Scratch Tactile Translators Program Guide is now available. Contact us to get full access and start translating with detailed tips and instructions. Translate the website Come to the Scratch Tactile manufacturing workshop! Don't miss the opportunity to learn how to make this educational and inclusive tool! This workshop is designed to help those who want to explore Scratch Tactile and need assistance in making the kit. If you come you will learn: How to use the Scratch Tactile kit. Get closer to 3D/2D design and digital manufacturing tools. Build the different pieces that make up the Scratch Tac tile kit (programming blocks, boards and characters) The meeting will take place on: 04/25/24 15:30 to 18:30 Ateneu de Fabricació de les Corts Carrer dels Comtes de Bell-Lloc, 192, C. d'Evarist Arnús, 59, 08014 Barcelona You can now share your projects! From today, it is now possible to view, download and upload your own projects by Scratch Tactile! Scratch Tactile wouldn't be possible without a creative, caring, and collaborative community that imagines, creates, and shares. You can find the community projects here! Scratch Tactile network We are working on the Scratch Tactile pilot network . What a thrill! Special education schools, kindergarten, and primary education (K-6) , in a network with makerspaces and people with a passion for technology and education collaborating together for socio-educational inclusion with Scratch Tactile! 75 educational centers in Spain from the regions of Catalonia and the Basque Country will be members of this pilot program. See all the news News on Twitter Posts on Instagram @ScratchJrTactile Subscribe Send Thank you for subscribing.
- About | Scratch Tactile
Who created Scratch Tactile? "Scratch Tactile" was developed by Sistema THEAD, non profit educational organitzation, with the collaboration of many people who have contributed in many different ways and to whom we thank. About Pedagogical Pillars FAQ Prensa About Scratch Jr Tactile NEW! Download the June 2024 report What is Scratch Tactile? Scratch Tactile is a kit based on the designs and creative philosophy of ScratchJr, the version of Scratch for the little ones. Thanks to them, students will be able to play and learn, or learn by playing while developing in an inclusive way the skills that are very necessary for today's society, such as digital skills, critical thinking, problem solving and teamwork (competences of the 21st century). The idea... why tactile? Technology has transformed our society. In every area of work, from science, medicine, and art to most daily actions such as shopping, transactions, and traveling, technology is incorporated. To become informed and empowered citizens, the next generation of students must understand the digital world where they live. Therefore computational thinking has been called the '21st-century skill set' and is important for everyone to learn, EVERYONE without exception. For this reason, we have created Scratch Jr tactile, a tangible educational material that brings creative programming and computational thinking closer to ALL children, regardless of their different abilities and economic conditions. Who created Scratch Tactile? "Scratch Tactile" has been created by Sistema THEAD, SCCL, in collaboration with the Scratch Foundation and numerous people who have contributed to the project in various ways. We sincerely appreciate your invaluable contribution. Jepi Humet (Tactilens), Blai Collado (Tandem Social), Rubén Saguar, Mary Cazorla, Ester Romero, Coral (Ateneu de Fabricació Digital Les Corts - Ajuntament de Barcelona), Tracy Tang, Jacy Edelman, Elaine Atherton (for their support through from the Scratch Foundation's SEC program), Mitch Resnick and Shawna Young and the entire Scratch Foundation and MIT team to create Scratch. Marina Bers, Mitch Resnick and the team from the TUFTS University for creating Scratch Jr, Pau Nin, Andrés García and Esther Gibert (ScratchEd Meetup Barcelona), Maria Teresa Corbella, the team and the children from the CREDV-CRE of Barcelona ( ONCE), Gemma Rodríguez (Salesianes Sarrià), Susana Tuset (Sagrat Cor Sarrià i Escola NADÍS d'educació especial), David Hispano (Fundació Collserola), Daniel Cruz (MADE Makerspace Barcelona, Tangencial), Oriol Blas (Fab Casa del Mig, Barcelona), José García (CitiLab Cornellà), Matheus Provinciali (StartUB - Universitat de Barcelona), Eduard Muntaner (UdiGitalEdu - Universitat de Girona), Eva Díaz and Cristina (STEM Women Congress), Estela Sánchez (Dicomol), Berta Cruces and Claudia Olvera (La Salle URL Tec hnova), Daniel Gómez, Joaquim Fonoll, Marc Bassó (CIM-UPC, XAF), Carmen Ramírez , Lionel Bergeron (NYC public schools) , Elisabet Úbeda, Gamaliel Benítez and the following organizations: Who supports Scratch Tactile? ¿Quién ayudó con la traducción? ¡Queremos dar las gracias a nuestro increíble equipo de traductores! Gracias a su esfuerzo, Scratch Tactile está disponible en muchos idiomas. Español / Catalán / Inglés / Alemán: Equipo de Scratch Tactile Polaco: Krzysztof J. Griego: Dr. Stamatios Papadakis Rumano: Ana Stamatescu Pronto añadiremos más idiomas, como el portugués. ¡Nos emociona que Scratch Tactile llegue a aún más personas!
- Comunidad | ScratchJr Tactile
Explore the new community projects area ! Blocks and boards Characters Backgrounds Projects Fabrication Guide Download Download 2D Block Designs Download Download 3D Block Designs Download Board Designs The design of the boards, the tactile programming blocks and the butterfly have been created by the design team of the non-profit organization THEAD System, SCCL. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The blocks are based on ScratchJr blocks. Maker Places (Spain) If you want to create the Scratch Jr Tactile kit, you can request support from a nearby makerspace or FabLab. This is why we are compiling the existing maker spaces in the following map. If you know of maker spaces that you want to add to this map, contact us .
- Comunidad | ScratchJr Tactile
Explore the new community projects area! Blocks and boards Characters Backgrounds Projects Fabrication Guide Download Download 2D Block Designs Download Three layers Single layer Download 3D Block Designs All blocks (editable) All blocks (.ZIP) To print 21x21cm (.ZIP) Blocks separated by colors (.ZIP) "Lite" version blocks 18x18cm Small lite blocks Download 2D Board Designs Original size (33x25.8cm) Lite version (A4) Download 3D Board Designs Original size (editable) Original size (33x25.8cm) (.ZIP) Version in two parts (24x24cm) Version in two parts "lite" (20x20cm) "Lite" version (18x18cm) Guide to print the boards in 2 parts The design of the boards and touch programming blocks have been created by the design team of the non-profit organization Sistema THEAD, SCCL and this work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non comercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The blocks are based on ScratchJr blocks. Maker Spaces (Spain) If you want to ask for help making it, we encourage you to contact Maker spaces near you, which you can find in these directories (or by asking schools, institutes and people near you): Map: Makery Labs Map: "Make" MakerSpaces Directory/Map: US MakerSpaces Directory EU MakerSpaces Map: We have created a map of Maker spaces around Barcelona - Catalunya (region in the northeast of Spain). If you create the kit, contact us and we will add your school or the maker space that helped you to this map:
- Guía de bloques | Scratch Tactile
Components Block guide Inclusion Tips Block Guide Each program is associated with a character or object from your story. The program or code consists of a series of steps or instructions that explain the actions to be performed. The blocks "give life" to your characters! Let's discover the programming blocks! Triggering Blocks The event blocks begin to animate the character. They are always placed at the beginning of any program and are yellow. The kit contains six event blocks: Start with the green flag (x2) : It is the start of the most common program, when the green flag is touched all the sequences with a green flag begin. Starts on Tap : Start the program when you touch the character with your fingers. Starts on bump: The action starts when he collides with another character. Send message and Starts on message received : These blocks are used together and are very useful for synchronizing two characters (or programs) and making them act in coordination. The sequence after "Start on receiving message" will start when a program executes the "Send a message" block. Start with the green flag (x2) Starts on bump Start on Tap Start on message received Send message Move up (x3) Move down (x3) Move right (x4) Move left (x4) Turn right Turn left Sound blocks The sound block introduces music or sounds to your story or game. For example, you can ask your students to introduce a song to the activity to make it more fun. The kit contains a sound block. Motion blocks The blue blocks allow the character to be programmed to move around the board or stage. There are different movement blocks with arrows that point in different directions: up, down, right, left. The turn blocks will rotate the character's orientation without moving him from his square. The kit contains 16 movement blocks. Play a sound Say (x2) Look block These purple blocks allow you to introduce words, phrases or dialogues into the activity. You can do oral dialogues or write them on paper or post-it notes. Kit contains two look blocks . Control blocks Control blocks manage the flow of the program. The pair of blocks "Repeat" allows you to simplify the program and learn what is known as a "Loop". The sequence contained between the two blocks will be repeated the number of times you indicate using a counter or parameter. Repeat Change the background Repeat forever End Counters The counters or parameters allow us to simplify the program by making a block repeat the indicated number of times. Numbers are represented by raised dots, and have the value of the number of dots (like a dice). There are counters of 2, 3 and 4. Customizable blocks (x2) End blocks Red blocks are placed at the end of a program. The kit contains three completion blocks: Change the background : indicates that we must change the background of the stage to another to continue the story. The story continues on the new background with new green flag event or another event. Repeat forever : creates an indefinite loop of the entire sequence since its beginning . End: indicates the end of the story or game. Two Counter (x3) Three Counter (x2) Four Counter (x3) Customizable blocks Do you need one more block? Or do you want to invent a new action? The plain white blocks can be used as a wildcard to perform any action... or invent a new action! If you want, you can stick a piece of paper on top with a drawing... or use foam (like "eva foam" ) cropped to make a custom touch icon! Objects or obstacles To design your projects you can introduce obstacles along the way or add everyday objects that you have near you. Also, you can use the squares resulting from cutting the boards* as obstacles or objects to create games, mazes or stories and personalize them as you wish. *If you have made the boards by cutting a sheet of wood or other material.
- Pedagogical pillars | Scratch Tactile
What is? Pedagogical Pillars FAQ Pedagogical pillars Academic skills Scratch Tactile aims to bring ALL boys and girls closer to the possibilities offered by creative programming started in 2007 by the 'Lifelong Kindergarten group' team at the MIT Media Lab with the creation of the applications 'Scratch' (by Mitch Resnick) and 'ScratchJr' later (by Marina Bers and Mitch Resnick). With Scr atch Tactile works together on digital, linguistic, artistic, mathematical and education skills in social and civic values. In addition, boys and girls with visual deficiencies will work on specific essential skills. Vectors of the new educational curriculum The learning proposals developed with Scratch Tactile are aligned with the 6 vectors raised in the new educational curriculum in Spain and Catalonia (2022): Competence learning Gender perspective Universality of the curriculum Quality of language education Democratic citizenship and global consciousness Emotional well-being Pedagogical pillars Scratch Tactile is based on the same philosophy of learning developed by Seymour Papert, Mitch Resnick, and Marina U. Bers. It is based on the 4 Ps of creative learning “Projects, Passion, Peers, and Play” and we also add the 5th P, "Purpose", promoting the creation of meaningful and playful projects linked with global awareness. With Scratch Tactile, learning is carried out taking into account the following 5 pedagogical pillars: Cognitive: Learn computational thinking, algorithm design, pattern recognition, decomposition, and logical thinking. Concentration, problem-solving and flexible thinking, learning to face complex tasks, and building effective strategies to identify solutions. Creative: Solving challenges openly, with multiple solutions, as well as creating new challenges that are open and adaptable to different environments, interests, and cultures. Developing ideas, expressing them, and transforming them into reality by creating associations, symbolizing, and representing ideas, and providing meaningful experiences to others. Emotional: Creating artistic projects, recognition of emotions. Understanding, managing, and expressing emotions by building self-awareness and managing impulses. Staying motivated and confident in the face of difficulties. Physical: Spatial orientation, laterality, fine motor skills. Understanding movement and space by practicing sensory-motor skills. Social: Collaboration, communication, and understanding of other people’s perspectives through the exchange of ideas, the negotiation of the rules, and the creation of empathy.
- Contacta | Scratch Tactile
Contact us Tactile Jr is a reality thanks to a diversity of ideas and collaborations of its vibrant community . This Open Source project grows with each new idea and through dialogue with the global educational community. We are open to the co-creation of new projects and collaborative resources to bring Tactile Jr to different contexts, especially where it is most necessary, and not leave anyone behind. How can we best reach your specific context or reality? We will be happy to talk about it and look for joint ways. Contact us First name* Last name E-mail* Write a message Submit We are open to collaborative projects , which may include: - Donation of kits - Investigation - Teacher training - Creation of teaching resources. - Actions or talks to raise awareness towards diversity and inclusion. Contact us using the following form.
Activities ACTIVITY 4: Use the body to act out a story Download 1 Choose a story you like Dress up to represent a character from the story 2 Make a grid on the floor with masking tape or using the tiles 3 4 Instead of coding a character on the board, code a classmate! What other ideas can you think of! 5 6 An idea: you can make a giant board game (where the pieces are people), or make your partner interact with objects in the classroom... Ideas
- Foro | Scratch Tactile
To test this feature, visit your live site. Categories All Posts My Posts Scratch Jr Tactile Forum Welcome to the forum of the community! Take a look around and join the discussions. Create new entry Forum guidelines subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 1 Follow General discussions Forum rules and introduction of new members. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 Follow Introduce yourself! Welcome to the Scratch Jr Tactile Community! 🚀✨ subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 1 Follow Inclusion and accessibility We talk about experiences and best practices in inclusion and accessibility. Take a look and join the conversations. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 Follow Design area Share your designs and ideas here! subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 Follow Blocks and boards subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 Follow Characters subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 Follow Backgrounds Share background ideas for new scenarios and projects. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 Follow Projects and Lesson plans subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 Follow Questions and answers Here is the perfect place to discuss, ask questions and share your concerns. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 1 Follow Any doubts about 2D design? subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 Follow Any doubts about 3D design? subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 1 Follow New features Discussion and proposals for new features, we want to hear from you! subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 Follow Forum - Frameless
- Consejos de inclusión (en construcción) | Scratch Tactile
kit components block guide Inclusion Tips Inclusion t ips read guide now
- Lesson plans | Scratch Tactile
Activities Lesson plans What can you do? Resources Coming soon Coming soon Lesson plans Introduction All the activities proposed in this Scratch Jr. Tactile didactic unit are born from the magic of the story The Planet of Fire written by Martí Olivella. A book full of reality and metaphors that, although it seems to be written for children, makes both the youngest and the oldest reflect. Reading The Planet of Fire makes us reflect, challenges us and invites us to question ourselves in depth. The union of conscious reading, the inclusive approach, computational thinking and the SDGs (UN Sustainable Development Goals) that Scratch Jr. Tactile proposes, is a multidisciplinary proposal that can be easily incorporated into the educational practice of schools, institutes and other environments and that is aligned with the vectors proposed in the new educational curriculum. This proposal will allow students not only to develop the academic skills necessary to move in today's world, but will also help generate a culture of peace, solidarity, empathy and respect for others and the environment. In this Didactic Unit the SDGs are worked on: Planet: SDG 13: Climate Action SDG 15: Life on land ecosystems SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions SDG 17: Partnership to achieve the goals Methodology All sessions follow the next steps in the lesson plans: 0. Before you start 1. Explore 2. Imagine 3. Create 4. Play 5. Share 6. Reflect Pedagogical Vectors Introduction All the activities proposed in these lesson plans with Scratch Tactile are born from the magic of the story The Planet of Fire written by Martí Olivella. A book full of reality and metaphors that, although it seems to be written for children, makes both the youngest and the oldest think. Reading The Planet of Fire makes us reflect, challenges us, and invites us to deeply question ourselves. The union of conscious reading, the inclusive approach, computational thinking and the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals of the UN) that is proposed with Scratch Tactile, is a multidisciplinary proposal that can be easily incorporated into the educational practice of schools, institutes, and other environments and which aligns with the vectors proposed in the new educational curriculum. This proposal will allow students not only to develop the academic skills necessary to move in today's world but will also help to generate a culture of peace, solidarity, empathy, and respect for others and the environment. In this Lesson Plan we work on the following SDGs: Planet: SDG 13: Climate Action SDG 15: Life on Land SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals Click to read online Lesson plan 1: The Red Planet Objectives With this lesson plan, numerous topics of discussion are introduced that will allow students to reflect on the consequences that burning the forests would bring to people, animals, and the planet, also the benefits of the terrestrial ecosystem, and the importance of keeping the forests alive and healthy. On the other hand, the first concepts of computational thinking are introduced , such as algorithms, sequences, patterns, etc. and creativity is encouraged, by proposing the use of recyclable material in the activities. Recommended ages: from 4 years old Approx time: 90 - 120 min Download Lesson plan 2: The Blue Planet Objectives This lesson plan allows students to reflect on the consequences of war and violence, the migration of people and refugees, the importance of dialogue and respect for resolving conflicts, and the wonderful work to obtain peace that many organizations and millions of people do, big and small anonymous people all over the world. On the other hand, the concepts of computational thinking are introduced, such as algorithms, patterns, debugging, repetition, events, etc. and creativity is encouraged, by proposing the use of recyclable material in the activities. Recommended ages: from 7 years old Approx time: 90 - 120 min Download Lesson plan 3: The planet of fire in 3D Objectives With this lesson plan, numerous topics of debate are opened that will allow students to reflect on the importance of preserving terrestrial ecosystems, non-violent actions, the consequences of war, work for peace, and how to contribute to our environment to fulfill the sustainable development goals. On the other hand, the first concepts of 3D design and 3D printing with Tinkercad are introduced. Recommended ages: from 11 years old Approx time: 90 - 120 min Download
Activities ACTIVITY 5: Empathize with blindness Download 1 Cover your eyes with a scarf or mask Explore the different blocks and try to recognize them by touching them 2 Reflect 3 Has it been easy? How many blocks have you recognized correctly? Would you know how to fit them together to make a program or read it? How do you think a person with blindness or low vision feels? How do you think you can learn or what kind of help do you need to learn? 4 Make different programs or challenges with Scratch Tactile with your eyes covered 5 Ideas You can use the “I have low vision” app to understand the different visual impairments that exist and how they are often combined with each other. Try to see through the application: a text in a magazine or a screen, a video or a photo, recognize objects in the environment, recognize and orient yourself in space, recognize the blocks and make a program, etc. 6 Other ideas You can try to put the students in the shoes of people with motor disabilities, for example, someone who cannot move their fingers. How can you interact with a computer? How can you make a program with Scratch Tactile?